
We exist to enable men women and children with cerebral palsy and associated disabilities to claim their rights, lead fulfilling and rewarding lives and play a full part in society.

We shall achieve this purpose through a wide range of activities and services, which respond to individuals needs, choices and rights.


We believe that every individual has a right to control his or her own life and to share in the opportunities, enjoyment challenges and responsibilities of everyday life.

We believe that care and concern for each and every person and respect for their human rights is central to any caring community.

We believe that people with a disability are handicapped by the attitudes of others, at home, in the community, at work and in national and local government.


We aim for the highest standards of financial and services management. People are central to our success. This stems from experiences of the people who use our services and the contribution of those who work and volunteer for us.

We expect the highest standards from our staff and volunteers, complete honesty and integrity, total professionalism and a commitment to the people whose interests we exist to serve.

We seek to recognise good practice, and encourage creative and innovative work.

We are committed to establishing equality of opportunity for all and to the professional development of all our staff and volunteers.

This statement expresses our core beliefs and aims. Our plans for the future will flow from what we have expressed here. We are committed to quality in all our services and activities.

We will therefore constantly monitor, evaluate and seek to improve our services further in accordance with these stated beliefs and aims